Rhode Island
Sacred Harp

Welcome to Sacred Harp Singing in Rhode Island!

Join us to sing from The Sacred Harp and other shape-note tune books in Rhode Island and beyond! 

No performances or rehearsals, commitment, experience, religious affiliation, or ability required—just a wide variety of people coming together for singing, community, and food. Free and open to all, loaner books are always available! Everyone is invited to join us regardless of experience, and all events are free and open to the public.

To connect with other Rhode Island Sacred Harp singers join our Facebook Group; for upcoming local and regional weekly reminders and notifications about and invitations to special events, join the Rhode Island Sacred Harp email list

Regular Singings

New for 2025: Every Thursday!

We meet and sing from The Sacred Harp (1991 Denson Edition) and the Shenandoah Harmony almost every Thursday from 6-8 PM. (Brown's graduation-week exercises may interrupt us in May.)

Location: Steinert Rehearsal Hall, 148 Power St., Providence, RI, on the Brown University Campus in the main choral practice room.

Additional Information: Singers are required to take a Covid-19 test the day of the singing. This singing is accessible by wheelchair through the rear door.

Fourth Sundays: Canceled for January 2025

We meet and sing from The Sacred Harp (1991 Denson Edition) on the fourth Sunday of each month from 3:00-6:00 PM.

Location: Providence Friends Meeting, 99 Morris Avenue, Providence, RI.

Additional Information: This singing is accessible by wheelchair through the the front and rear doors. There are no Covid-19 vaccination or testing requirements for this singing, but we run a quiet air purifier and encourage you not to attend the singing if you have symptoms of respiratory illness.

All-Day Singings

2025 Rhode Island All-Day Sacred Harp Singing

We hold an annual all-day singing from The Sacred Harp on the Saturday before the third Sunday in April. Mark your calendar for Saturday, April, 19, 2025.

2025 Rhode Island All-Day Christian Harmony Singing

We hold an all-day singing from the Christian Harmony in the summer. Look out for announcements about the 2025 singing.